Monday, May 15, 2006

Saved My Soul

Gospel doctrine teacher asked the class what we have in our homes to remind us of the Lord, gospel, scriptures, etc (Lest we forget). Many hands were raised. And many people commented on the pictures of Christ, temples, prophets, etc. that they have in their home. And it got to the point of being pretty ridiculous. Seriously, a battle of who is more righteous because they have a picture of Christ in every room, or of President Hinckley on both sides of the bed so it's the first thing they see in the morning, or a picture of Jesus in the bathroom, and the hall, and over the tv, and who listens to hymns rather than just classical music on Sundays......until curly haired boy in the back raised his hand and proudly reported that his doorbell rings we thank thee oh god for a prophet. And that actually, his phone ringtone is the same. Teacher says "No way! How'd you do that?", curly haired boy, "I didn't, I was kidding."

I was going to mention that my Sunday listening usually consists og Johnny Cash' gospel collection. But didnt.

Good times.

And congrats to pregnant Nina who got a 30g ipod for Mother's Day.

Maybe it's about time I had kids.....or at least stuffed my shirt circa May.


Rachel said...

I would definitely stuff your shirt. I got a rice cooker.

christina said...

We returned the ipod. I was sick over it. It was so much money, and I knew I wouldn't make it worthwhile. I think we are going to get a videocamera instead.

Sarita said...

So when did you turn into Mrs. Practicality? But good for you dear. And enjoy the videocamera if you indeed purchase it.

Sarita said...

I love you.