Monday, June 25, 2007

Ode to Jessica...on her Birthday

**********Behold the international model from the early to mid 90's...she's hot stuff*******

Yesterday I was talking with a friend about the parallels in our family and that of the March family (a la Little Women). Jessica, being the oldest, is very much the Meg. Motherly and pragmatic, but not without her own creativity and fun nature to throw in the mix. She indeed was the second mother of the household (even if it did mean manipulating me out of my $30 in savings so she could do things like "go to the church dance". Those church functions sure are pricey). I have since forgiven her. Really.

*Rachel is Jo in that she is a phenomenal writer and poet, and always marched to the beat of her own drum. Nina as the sassy flirt, Amy, the youngest, and I? Well I'm the mild mannered, good natured homebody that dies a tragic young death. At least Beth could play the piano well, I don't even have that going for me.....but this is Meg, er, Jessica's day.

Jess gets things done. Especially when it comes to home decor (and lest you think home decor consists of merely putting pretty things on walls, it doesn't). You talk about painting a room, she has her keys ready to hit the nearest home depot. Refinishing the cabinetry with extensive painting, glazing, hand distressing with sandpaper (she would make the perfect fingerprints), and then repeat. Installing fixtures, ripping up carpet to refinish floors, rearranging heavy furniture. You talk about it and 15-minutes late it's either done or well on it's way to being done depending on the project.

So I think it goes without saying that she is creative. I adore that about her.

Jess was always the big sister. The task master that made sure things were done for Mom. The all too gorgeous international model that I looked up to and compared myself to. I love that as we all have progressed in years that I have had opportunities to develop the greatest kind of relationship with my biggest sister and call her a best friend. Someone that I can watch foreign films with (the ones nobody else will consent to) until the wee hours of the morning. The girl is up for anything, she doesn't let having two little beauties hold her back. She just tows them along when she can and is an all too fun Mom to have. I admire her as a mother, a sister, a wife (not mine, you get it), and a friend. I can't even express my gratitude for all she has done for me since I moved to Utah and so appreciate having a sister live in this state with me.

Happy Birthday Jess.


LuLuBelle said...

I guess I must be Mrs. March. I can't remember but I think she was very wise.
Happy Birthday Jessica who always helps me get started with my home projects...which would never get done otherwise. (time for a visit..I have lots of painting and refinishing, etc to do)
Sarah, your posts always either make me laugh or cry.

Jessica said...

Thank you so much! I don't think I have ever had a ode to me before. This almost made me cry! Love you!