Monday, May 08, 2006

May the force be with you

Friday night, I watched the girls while Jess and Ryan went out to celebrate their anniversary. At one point, I asked what movie we should watch, which was returned with a chorus of STAR WARS! And Gracie exclaiming that "retain of the Jedi is my favowite!" (It was my favorite as well when I was younger if for no other reason than the Ewoks being cute).

So we watched it. And apparently, four year old Gracie is obsessed with Star Wars. Maddie was out for the count about a quarter of the way through the movie, but Gracie remained on the edge of her seat, and insisted on educating me throughout the entire thing.

M: That's Darth Vader, he's Anakin's brother.
Me: Well, not quite his brother....
G: (with wide excited eyes) Dawth Vadew is Yoda's DAD!

Upon asking Gracie what her favorite part was, she said the the part with the "girwl". And added that she wished that she could be Princess Leia so she could have long braids and be Han Solo's bride. I asked if she liked Han Solo.....Gracie gets this dreamy look in her eyes and says "yeah, but I like Luke morwe. His hairw is cute."

Good luck with that one Jess.

Gracie hung out with me for awhile on Saturday, and we started watching the original Star Wars. Little girl loves her aunt, but gets a little insecure after being away from Mom for long periods of time. It had been nearly five hours when Jess comes to the door to pick her up. Gracie immediately starts crying that she doesnt want Mommy to come, she wants to watch Star Wars with me.

I related this all to Mom over the phone, and she had to go, but ended the conversation with "May the force be with you."


Also on Friday, as I was a little broken up about the whole Tim thing as mentioned earlier (not really) someone mentioned that I should order pizza..." instant man delivery, and he can feed a family!". Funny thing being that hours later, as I was driving to Jess' house, I receive a call from an unknown phone number. I answer, and a guy says, "Papa John's, what's your address?" I paused for a moment, thinking could this be a sign? I hadn't ordered a pizza. Could this be who I was waiting for, bearing pizza? And then got a little weirded out and informed him that I hadn't. the end.


At church yesterday, during the sacrament mind you, for some insane reason, I had the opening song from the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cartoon stuck in my head. I couldn't figure out why, as I barely recall watching the thing. Until I realized that the spirit is said to bring all things to your remembrance. I just never thought of it as applying to Saturday morning cartoons.


Rachel said...

you are pretty funny.

BUt sewiously, (as gracie would say), I didn't know that scripture, but it is SO true. Whoah.

Jessica said...

Today while I was trying on clothes...she kept telling me, "oh, that one is 'goargust'!"

Sarita said...

My favrorite is when she says, "Don't I look Fabewrous?" Such a girly girl....who likes Star Wars.