Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Daddy Dearest

I am proud to report that I slept at Jess' house last night and am wearing a great outfit completely constructed by items found in my car. So, if needs be, I suppose I could live out of that thing. A proud moment.

It's been fun hanging out with Dad. And not just because he is helping with car issues and saving me hundreds of dollars because the mechanics apparently think that I am a naive girl. When really I'm just a girl.

Dad's great. We were talking about careers and life and what's important. He stated that he had always planned on a lucrative career, and while we have always done okay, that was kinda nixed by the savings and loan crisis. I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning all this....

What got me was when he mentioned that he always prayed to be financially successful/secure, but he prayed even harder that his kids would turn out good. That is glad to have the latter.

He's an exceptional man.

Even more so for the fact that he expressed concern for his seminary class not knowing anything about the 3 Nephites. I believe his exact words were, "What's happening here? Looks like we'll have to work on perpetuating some Mormon urban myths".

And I am a little sleepy as of this moment since Jess and I took to watching Arrested Development DVD's last night....around midnight. And you can't watch just one episode. It's a proven fact that we worked very hard in researching.

1 comment:

christina said...

Yes, I have researched that as well. Same result.