Friday, April 14, 2006

Income Tax. Baby.

You will all be happy to know that I filed my tax return, and it is only April 14th. You should be proud as I know I am. So what does this mean? It means that Sarah will not be worrying about her taxes on her birthday as she usually does.

It's not that I'm lazy, or forgetful, or irresponsible (well, all of those are debatable) but I'm just trying to hold on to the traditions of my youth. Like waiting in the car at the post office on the way to a birthday lunch with Dad. (Love you!).

Really, I started long ago but refused to accept the idea that I owe money, and so ignored it for sometime. After much labor, I still owe (not much) and still cannot figure out why.

And so, while I may not be my parents sweet little tax deduction anymore (I'm sorry you can't claim me, but I did give you the first 18 years of my life) in a way, I will always be their income tax baby.


christina said...

Wow, good job. We got our return a couple of months ago. Yeah, Matthew's always right on the tippy-top of things. I didn't even realize you could file your taxes that early...

Amanda and McKay said...


Hobo said...

Happy Birthday, Tax Baby!!!!

Sarita said...

Thank you darlings.