Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rachel & Lily

Lily doesnt look anything like her mom......nope.....or act like her either. She's fiesty. Always bossing around her older sister. Telling her that she can't look out the window, which prompts Hannah to complain to Mom that "Lily said that I can't look out the window!"

We were just recalling how Jess when she was 5 how she had all these collections (kinda like Gracie's dead spider collection?), and once announced that "I have a (fill in the object here) collection, and I keep it in this box." A 3 year old Rachel looked at her and dryly responded, "I have a rhymn collection and I keep it in my head."

Classic Rachel, and now she has a clone.


stace said...

so funny

Unknown said...

VERY funny. love the photos...

Britten said...

Yes, that is sooooo Rachel!
Way cute pics!